
I would like to donate to the bank account

Click here if you would like to donate to our bank account. Your donation is tax deductible.

I would like to donate to the bank account

Click here if you would like to donate to our bank account. Your donation is tax deductible.

I would like to donate to the bank account

Click here if you would like to donate to our bank account. Your donation is tax deductible.

I would like to receive regular updates


Here you can sign up for our newsletter!


I would like to receive regular updates

Here you can sign up for our newsletter!

I would like to receive regular updates


Here you can sign up for our newsletter!


I would like to donate online

Click here to support our project and read about new developments. Your donation is tax deductible.


I would like to donate online

Click here to support our project and read about new developments. Your donation is tax deductible.


I would like to start a fundraising activity

Birthday parties, charity runs or challenges are great opportunities to raise funds for our project!

I would like to start a fundraising activity

Birthday parties, charity runs or challenges are great opportunities to raise funds for our project!


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Mikana e.V.    Stephanstraße 18    25980 Westerland auf Sylt    Email: kontakt@mikana-info.org

Sylter Bank    IBAN: DE46 2179 1805 0000 1640 03    BIC: GENODEF1SYL

Mikana e.V.    Stephanstraße 18    25980 Westerland auf Sylt    Email: kontakt@mikana-info.org

Sylter Bank    IBAN: DE46 2179 1805 0000 1640 03

Mikana e.V.   Stephanstraße 18   25980 Westerland auf Sylt

Email: kontakt@mikana-info.org

Sylter Bank IBAN: DE46 2179 1805 0000 1640 03